How do I set the default preferences from the Administrative Level? (Mojave or later)

We have created a shell script to write the defaults to the system after BridgeChecker is installed and run at least once.

We have created a shell script to write the defaults to the system after BridgeChecker is installed and run at least once. Attached zip file has shell scripts and below are usage instructions.

Install BridgeChecker
Run BridgeChecker
Exit BridgeChecker

Open the script file in TextEdit

Update the below option values in script file (line #5 to #9) to your preferred defaults:

  • releaseIPloadOnStartUp
  • enableWirelessm
  • selectedInterfaceOption (valid values are 0,1,2)

Open the Terminal and Execute command as “./

NOTE: If you receive a “Permission Denied” response, please Execute command - “chmod 777

You can test it on any fresh machine or to test on existing system follow steps below:

  • Exit BC app
  • Execute - “defaults delete com.accessagility.bridgechecker” in Terminal
  • Execute - “./
  • Start the app and verify your options have been implemented