A walk-through on how to use filtering capabilities in Wifi Scanner
Use the Filter Tree on the left-hand side of the application. By clicking on certain categories, you can filter by Band, SSID, BSSID, Vendor, Channel Width, Security, and Signal.
To hide the Filter Tree, you can click on the Toggle Switch located above the word “Band”.
Each filter in the Filter Tree has a drop-down icon on the left hand side. With “Band” you can click either 2.4ghz or 5ghz to sort out the table view by either band option.
You can filter by SSID and check out the networks around you. This helps in searching what is located around you by adding other filters.
Filter by Vendor.
Channel Width is a very important factor in determining WiFi settings. Select the Channel Width you wish to view to better understand your options and the WiFi environment around you.
View who is using what security protocol around you.
To combine filters or quickly find data you are looking for, use the filter box in the top-right corner to type in what you are looking for.