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How to deploy Optifi Agent to multiple machines?

How to perform silent install using Optifi Agent exe installer file.

Below examples were tested using Optifi.exe version 1.1 build 50 (OptifiAgent_v1.1_b50.exe) available from Optifi downloads page.

Download exmple Windows batch / bat file that can be run to test out install process.

Microsoft Windows Command Prompt must be run as administrator to test this method.

1) Type cmd in Windows search and run command as administrator


2) Navigate to location of downloaded file. On our test laptop the location of exe file is C:\Users\engineer\Downloads\Optifi>.

Test example: To install the app and have it start after installation, use the command below.

OptifiAgent_v1.1_b47.exe /s /v"/qn LAUNCH_AGENT=1"

3) To uninstall, first exit the app from the config menu by right clicking the gear symbol and selecting Quit Optifi.

Then run command
OptifiAgent_v1.1_b47.exe /x
Settings are stored in the directory below. Please delete this directory after uninstall to force new configuration when testing.

Note: Running new setup over a previous one using silent install will automatically update the app but please note  that during update install params are not used and these are only used with fresh install.

4) Full command example:

OptifiAgent_v1.1_b47.exe /s /v"/qn LAUNCH_AGENT=1 DEVICENAME=workspace-101 USERNAME=my-user USEREMAIL=testuser@gmail.com SPEED_TEST_INTERVAL=30 PLACE_HOLDER_LINE_1=\"$S, $N, $F, Channel: $C, $L\" PLACE_HOLDER_LINE_2=\"$V, $X, $I, Tx / Rx: $T\" RUN_PING_WITH_SPEED=1 WAN_PING_HOST=google.com RUN_DNS_WITH_SPEED=1 DIG_HOST=google.com PROFILE_ID=abc123 PROFILE_KEY=1234" 

Need to add \” (slash quote) when using space. This is working when installed using command line. It will not work if Powershell is used.

5) Optional parameters are below:

Parameter Details Valid Values
DEVICENAME Name string (space not supported)  
USERNAME User name string (space not supported)
USEREMAIL  User email


Test frequency in minutes. Automatic testing would be triggered in frequency configured by this setting. For example, setting 60 as a value for this setting would trigger automatic tests every 60 minutes. Tests run during each iteration would depend on other settings. 

-1 = Only manual testing

Below values will trigger automated testing every configured time interval in minutes

1 -1 minute

2 - 2 minutes

5 - 5 minutes

10 - 10 minutes

30 - 30 minutes

60 - 1 Hour

360 - 6 hours

720 - 12 hours

1440 - 1 day


Any string combination where placeholders can be used.


Currently no space is allowed and if using Powershell to install $ sign would need to be escaped using backtick ( ` )


Any string combination where placeholders can be used.


Currently no space is allowed and if using Powershell to install $ sign would need to be escaped using backtick ( ` )

RUN_DNS Run DNS test during manual or automated testing

0 - Don’t run 

1 - Run

RUN_PING Run ping test during manual or automated testing

0 - Don’t run 

1 - Run

RUN_SPEED Run speed test during manual or automated testing

0 - Don’t run 

1 - Run

LAUNCH_AGENT Start agent after install

0 - Don’t start

1 - start

DIG_HOST Host to use for DIG / DNS command www.google.com

Host to use for Ping command


Default setting is 1 and hides UI from non admin users.

If the user is installing an agent using UI then the agent icon will always be created on the Desktop for all users. If the agent is installed using the command line, the agent icon will not be created by default. If ADD_DESKTOP_SHORTCUT is provided with value 1, the agent icon will be created on the desktop for all users.

1 - Hide

0 - Don't hide


Admin users will always be able to access the UI, so when the admin will start the app, the app icon will be available in the dock bar to access the app. For non-admin users icon and app window will be accessible if the app is installed with HIDE_UI_NON_ADMIN=0 using the command line option else the app will be running as a ghost application. Note at the moment, there is no way to enable disable this option without reinstallation of the app.

1 - Add

0 - Don't add

6) Place holder options for line 1 and line 2 are listed below and documented here.





Signal strength of connection in dBm



Signal strength of connection in %



Security encryption mode of connection



BSSID, MAC address of connected access point radio



802.11 mode (a, b, g, n, ac, ax)



Frequency (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, or 6 GHz)


$C Primary channel being used WiFi

Channel width of current connection in MHz (20, 40, 80, 160)


$V Access point manufacturer name. WiFi

Configured access point name.

Some enterprise / business access points support the display of this name.


WiFi connection transmit / receive rate.

This value is directly related to quality of connection. The higher the Tx/Rx value the more better the connection.


$I IP address of client device


$G Default gateway of client device


$M Subnet mask of client devices


$L CPU Load


7) Below are screens of Optifi Agent app after installing using example batch file or example command line string.

Home Screen

Placeholder Settings / Configuration

Tests Configuration

User Details

On Demand Sharing ID and URL

Share ID and URL will be unique per device.

Cloud Pairing Configuration

App will accept incorrect values for Profile ID and Profile Key and show "Not Connected" status.